
Messages from Students

Fatma Rabia Urun

Fatma Rabia Urun -ENG-

Federico Bolanos

Federico Bolanos -ENG-

Sai Tanimoto

Sai Tanimoto -ENG-

Eichi Toyoizumi

Eichi Toyoizumi -ENG-

Messages from Alumni

Takuya Isomura

Unit Leader, Brain Intelligence Theory Unit

Takuya Isomura's image

Find a topic that you really want to research and tackle it without fear of failure. If you're interested in the brain theory, let's work together!

Short CV

Takuya Isomura received his PhD degree at the University of Tokyo in 2017. During his PhD course, he also worked as a student trainee at the Lab for Neural Computation and Adaptation (Dr. Taro Toyoizumi) at RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS). Afterwards, he spent his postdoc as a Special Postdoctoral Researcher at the same lab. From 2020, he is a Unit Leader of the Brain Intelligence Theory Unit at RIKEN CBS. From 2021, he is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University.

Press releases of papers published while at RIKEN (Japanese only)

Akihiro Shimbo

National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse
Geoffrey Schoenbaum lab, Visiting Fellow

Akihiro Shimbo's image

Many researchers who have various research background are gathered in CBS and CBS offers you a lot of opportunities to sophisticate your research. I promise you that all of CBS stuff will support your challenge. Let's start your research in CBS!

Short CV

Akihiro Shimbo got Ph.D. (Psychology) in Keio University Graduate school of Human relations in 2020. He worked as Junior Research Associate in RIKEN CBS Systems Neurophysiology lab (P.I. Dr. Shigeyoshi Fujisawa) from 2015 to 2018. He started to work in Geoffrey Schoenbaum lab in NIH NIDA from August 2021.

Press releases of papers published while at RIKEN (Japanese only)